3D Storyboard Team Alex Tiedtke & Robert Schlunze
Based on the highly acclaimed animation feature “FRITZI – EINE WENDEWUNDERGESCHICHTE“, Balance Film, TrickStudio Lutterbeck and Studio FILM BILDER are producing an 8 x 22 min TV series. Other than the feature, the series is completely produced in 3D.
Storyboard artists Alex Tiedtke and Robert Schlunze teamed up and developed a 3D storyboard pipeline for the project.
“We used rough sets and props and rigged the rough characters with a very simple and easy to handle rig, using shape keys for just a couple of expressions. The directors even had to hold us back from “too much” posing and expressions. With our storyboards blocking was already done and even for layout we saved quite a lot of work.”
Scenes by Alex Tiedtke:
Scenes by Robert Schlunze:
Overview Scene:
A Balance Film, TrickStudio Lutterbeck, Studio FILM BILDER production, in co production with ARD, MDR, WDR, SWR.
Contact Alex Tiedtke:
mobile: + ·49 · 177 · 312 · 85 · 63
Contact Robert Schlunze:
mobile: + ·49 · 172 · 456 · 67 · 66